5 Tips on Teaching Kids Alphabets: Home Schooling

Itssb 5 Tips On Teaching Kids Alphabets During Home Scholling

Teaching kids on how to read is exactly a smooth activity. Before young children learn how to read, spell and pronounce a word, they must learn alphabets. Even the teachers and educators face challenges on how they can teach the kids to recognize alphabets. Nowadays, this responsibility is shifted to the parents because of the pandemic. ITSSB is pretty clear on how best to help kids learn alphabets. Let us share some tips to you!

5 Tips on Teaching Kids Alphabets During Home Schooling 

  1. Contact Their Teacher:
    Never be shy to ask from your kids’ teacher. Ask where their current progress is. Ask how you can highlight the teaching methods and reading outside of class, and share any concerns you have. 
  2. Listen to Your Child Everyday:
    Kids from us too. They observe how we talk, behave and act. If your child is having a hard time pronouncing a word or alphabet, encourage them to sound it out. Be positive and never be harsh on them.
  3. Read Aloud:
    Choose a tool that excites your child (ITSSB has plenty of options). Often, an educational toy works wonders on a child’s learning. After all, they learn fast when they are playing. 
  4. Make it Fun:
    Show your child how much you value reading by reading and learning. Make learning a fun activity with plenty of choices and colours. 
  5. Increase Understanding:
    Link alphabets and words with objects. Ask more questions from the kids, you’ll be surprised how fast they learn! 

How Do Kids Actually Learn How to Read 

Kids learn to read when they are able to identify letters or combinations of letters and connect those letters to sounds. Phonics  is knowing that sounds and letters have a relationship. In other words, it is the link between what we say and what we can read and write. For example, the letter “f” has the sound of “f” in “fish” or “fly”. They must learn how to blend its sound.

If children can’t master phonics, they are more likely to struggle to read. That’s why many teachers say that systematic instruction in phonics is important. Stimulate their learning with pictures

Home Schooling Guides for Parents

You may work from home during the pandemic. To keep your kids motivated to learn while working can be a tough one. Remember to remain positive and consistent. While we all want this pandemic to be over with, remember that learning is a lifelong goal. You are not just their parents but their teacher too. Take this time to help your children explore their passions, have fun and socialize.

Giving your child diverse experiences that seem to have nothing to do with reading can also help a child’s reading ability. For example, ask them to read the menu on what they want to order during take away, choose their story books and more. They will be able to apply their own knowledge to better comprehend texts about various topics.

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