Why Wash Your Hands is Important?
Wash Hands – The Term of The Year
In the time of pandemic, especially the frightening news on the COVID-19 cases, we are experiencing something that the world has never experienced before. Countries all over the world in dire situations and plenty of strict measures have been taken to curb the pandemic. From social distancing, area lock down to restriction move control, cases are still on the rise.
But do not be afraid, we can do our part from the simplest thing too. The most fundamental thing that we can do is to obey the warnings and rules made by our government and ministry of health. Other than that, we must take care of our personal hygiene especially to wash our hands often. We might never think that washing our hands can do so much in preventing the possibility of catching a disease.

Washing Your Hands Can Save Your Life
We must understand why hand hygiene is important. According to the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention in the USA, washing hands can keep you healthy and prevent the spread of respiratory and diarrheal infections from one person to the next. A number of infectious and contagious diseases can be spread from one person to another by contaminated and dirty hands.
Diseases include gastrointestinal infections, such as Salmonella, and respiratory infections, such as influenza and the lastest, COVID-19 can be traced from hand contact. Washing your hands properly can help prevent the spread of the germs (like bacteria and viruses) that cause these diseases.
This is the time to increase children’s knowledge of positive health behaviors and enhance wellness. Educate your children on how to prevent common health problems by developing proper hand-washing skills.

When to wash your hands
Washing your hands properly is one of the most important things you can do to help prevent and control the spread of many illnesses. You should wash your hands thoroughly:
- after using the toilet or changing diapers
- before,during and after preparing food
- between handling raw and cooked or ready-to-eat food
- before eating
- after using toilet at home or public spaces
- after touching the railing and door knobs in public spaces
- after using a tissue or handkerchief
- before and after attending to sick children or other family members.
- after handling rubbish or working in the garden
- after handling animals
If you’re looking for sanitizers, soaps or thermometers for home, school and office, do check on ITSSB website for more information. We are in this, stay safe!